There are large number of poor people in Pakistan. They are deprived from food, water, clothes, education, and other basic necessities of life. As a citizen of this society, it is our responsibility to help the poor people. This system is basically for the people suffering from shortage of money and for the helpers or rich people who wants to help the needy but don’t have time for it. Anytime anywhere people can help people by giving them left over food, clothes which they don’t use, books which they don’t need now, and anything they want to give to the poor and deserving people. An estimated 36 million tons of food is wasted in Pakistan every year. This is equivalent to every citizen of Karachi, Lahore and Hyderabad tossing out entire lunches and dinners every day and Pakistan is ranked 88th out of 107 countries of global hunger index according to 2020 statistics.In our system, restaurants, books shops, tailor shops and any individual can register themselves as a donor who will donate donations like left over food, books, clothes or anything they want to the people who needs them. On the other hand, the users who needs donation will also register themselves on this platform and the system will verify them. So if any donors wants to donate something, He/She can view the list of verified people who actually need help and make donations to them. Donor can view the list of verified cases who are facing financial issues like university fee issue, medical expenses etc.